Thursday, February 15, 2018

Virginia State Bar Corruption Challenge

We the public, challenge the Virginia State Bar director/administration to a financial audit.

Upon exposing the Virginia State Bars irregular spending/corruption, they have stated that our emails are spam which contain links which are viruses and not to be opened, the facts are below:
  • Our emails meet the anti-spam guidelines and contain an "unsubscribe" link for those who do not want our news letters.
  • The links contained in our newsletters, direct to our Google Blog pages, thus cannot be viruses, as Google would have deleted our Blog and would not allow virus links.
  • The irregular spending/corruption blogs contain facts/data from the Virginia State Bar financial reports by the treasurer on their website, thus the information is accurate and can be easily verified.
The Virginia State Bar has not denied that our blogs are false information or inaccurate, instead they attempted to use "fear" tactics to distract from the corruption within the VSB.

Thus we challenge the Virginia State Bar Director Karen Gould and the administrative staff to take the "Financial Audit" Challenge and request from the Virginia General Assembly to have JLARC conduct a financial audit. The last financial audit was conducted 22 years ago (1995)!

If the Virginia State Bar has nothing to hide, they will gladly accept "the challenge" to prove that our blogs are incorrect and to upgrade their financial standing as having been recently audited by their superior agency. The Virginia State Bar is a state agency, thus they should have "no fear" in requesting a financial audit.
These are the financial irregularities in question:

If the financial audit shows no irregularities, we will issue a public apology and delete the blogs and any other postings we have made in reference to the irregularities/corruption.

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